Baby Steps to Better Style

Small habits lead to big changes.

Small habits lead to big changes. Add a small closet edit to your monthly routine.

Small habits lead to big changes. Add a small closet edit to your monthly routine.


Small habits accumulate to big changes, big results. Just take 10 minutes in your closet. Toss a few pieces. Do this little practice every now and then. It’s just a quick little closet edit.

If you take these baby steps, over time you'll be free of the junk that's weighing you down... literally AND figuratively.

Cut through all the crap so you can actually see what you DO have and what you DO like.

Side note: don't let the word "toss" make you feel bad. Let yourself trash pieces that are out of shape, stained, or damaged beyond repair.

Being friendly to the planet is wonderful but not at the expense of your mental energy and your sanity. And as for donating?

"If it's not good enough for you it's not good enough for those in need either."

So what *doesn't* get tossed? Your "nice" pieces in GOOD condition that no longer fit you or serve you... THAT'S the donation pile.

Remember, small steps… that’s the way you combat a style rut. Small closet edits on a regular basis will help battle the dreaded closet full of nothing to wear.

Great article that provokes some thought on being in need and feeling worthy:

All About Jeans

Have you seen my Denim Guide yet? Take a look! It contains the 3 main things you should really know about buying jeans. I recently left Stitch Fix after 4 years of styling and surpassed the 15,000 mark for boxes styled (with very satisfied clients I might add). So, I know a thing or two about denim. And I know it can be overwhelming. There are so many choices, right?


And believe me, I know how a killer pair of jeans can make a women feel.  When I scheduled a photo shoot to capture some images for my business, all the fears of inadequacy and lack of confidence started creeping in.  

I kicked the fear to the curb by carefully planning my look, planning outfits that made me feel comfortable and confident.  I decided on the Good American skinnies that fit exactly the way I wanted them to.

Do you know these 3 things about buying jeans_.png

Do you know which style and fit makes you feel most confident?

You’ll be off to a great start with my guide.

Xo, Jaime